Samsonite Umbrellas Ultra Mini Lightweight Umbrella

Samsonite Umbrellas Ultra Mini Lightweight Umbrella

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Clear Bubble Umbrellas otes Kids Bubble Umbrella

Clear Bubble Umbrellas otes Kids Bubble Umbrella

Clear Bubble Umbrellas otes Kids Bubble Umbrella

Clear Bubble Umbrellas otes Kids Bubble Umbrella

The first 2 umbrellas I ordered came already broken at the seams at the top. So, when you opened them they had a big hole around the post at the top. The company I ordered through was great about replacing them and made sure the next 2 were not defective. After a few uses though, they did the same thing. I have never seen such poor quality in a totes product. The concept is great though because the kids can see where they are going and stay completely under the umbrella at the same time. Before they leaked, they made a rainy walk to school go twice as fast.

I did figure out how I could fix these and keep them, since I like the design, just not the quality. I cut a large circle of clear contact paper (used a dinner plate as my template). I cut an "X" in the middle and put the contact paper over the hole while the umbrella was open. I smoothed it out and trimmed around the "X" just enough to make it look OK without letting any water in. It's been a few months and it is working great. The kids (3 & 4) don't seem to mind, or even notice the patch much.
Clear Bubble Umbrellas otes Kids Bubble Umbrella